Monday, February 28, 2011

Samu discards winning Tour

With Contador and Menchov both more than likely not to take part in the Tour de France this year, fans and experts alike have been touting Samu Sánchez as a possible overall winner come July. But Samu is having none of it. And rightly so, I feel. "To win the Tour is too big an ask", he said honestly to el Diario Vasco yesterday. "I know that I can win a Classic, a six-stage race, that I'm quite a complete cyclist, but to win the Tour... Maybe I'm being too cautious, I don't know, but it seems out of reach for me. I don't really like to speak about the Tour. I've done four, and finished two of them. I can't be consider a Tour-rider like Armstrong, Indurain or Alberto. In the ones I've finished, I've been fourth and seventh. I'm turning 33 years old..." Although I'll never say never, I sadly have to agree with Samu on that one. I just can't see it happening. I think the podium is a viable goal, he proved as much last year. Any thoughts?


  1. Bolsen36:08 pm

    I agree with him, the Tour seems out of his reach. He's good in the mountains and decent in TT's, but not excellent in either one of the two major skills you need to win the Tour. A podium place is realistic, but not more. As I see it, A.Schleck, Contador, Basso are better than him at the moment. And Nibali is still improving, so he may be better too...

  2. Bolsen36:09 pm

    Menchov too is a little better...
