Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Martínez wins polkadots of '09

Due to the CAS uphelding the UCI's suspension of Franco Pellizotti and subsequent cancellation of his results from May in 2009 and onwards, it seems like our own Egoi Martínez, orginally runner-up in that particular competition two years ago, will be declared the winner of the polkadot jersey that year. The duo fought a close battle for the jersey for several stages, but in the last week Pellizotti proved too strong and won by quite the margin. It now seems, though, that he'll get his jersey after all to go with his mountains jersey in the Vuelta. Not that I think Egoi himself will be too pleased about it all.


  1. it's too bad that the recognition that he earned and deserved was deprived of him on the last day in Paris, however.

  2. For sure, doesn't really feel like "winning" two years later, does it?
