Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Giro d`Italia stage 10

Euskaltel finally got a rider into the main break in today's tenth Giro d'Italia stage. Pierre Cazaux was the lucky man who got to enjoy his big day out (that's if you call riding into the wind for 160k "lucky"), joining Beppu and Krivtsov on a day-long suicidal break. They never got a big gap though as the sprinters' teams really wanted this one, but at least Euskaltel got their logo on the screen. After being caught 11 clicks out Cazaux naturally struggled and ended up 2:34 down, whilst Sesma finished 1:47 back. Everyone else, Antón included, had a comfortable day in the saddle and came in with the main pack.


  1. Theepoesje9:33 am

    Don't think many people saw it: Antón was in the front of the pack (position 10-15) until km 4 from the finish. Looks to me like he wants to compete for the GC after all... Also a good sign for the next mountain stages, cause he always began at the back of the peloton when they began a climb.
