Saturday, October 22, 2011

"I'd love to ride with Contador"

Friends off the road and allies more often than not on it, Samuel Sánchez and Alberto Contador have formed a formidable duo on several occasions despite riding for rival teams. If the former gets his way though, the pair will some day ride in the same colours.

"Given the opportunity, every rider out there would want to ride with him", the always-gracious Olympic champ told Marca. "He's one of the best riders in the history of the sport. Besides, we've represented Spain together and it's always a pleasure".

He might get his will sooner rather than later if Euskaltel do decide to pull the plug at the end of next year. Samu is holding out hope though that the telephone company will prolong its sponsorship - and if it does, Samu is sure to be an integral part of the team for the ensuing years.

"If Euskaltel pull out, a lot of people will be left without a job. I really hope they'll continue to back the team or alternatively bring a new sponsor on board. This team deserves it!"

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