Saturday, November 12, 2011

Briefs: Sicard/Fraile/Galdeano

  • Though Euskaltel are set to open an internal investigation into Sicard's encounter with the police in Toulouse yesterday, Miguel Madariaga isn't coming down too hard on the 23-year-old. "What can I say, these things happen with people his age", he told DEIA. "But obviously I can't just close my eyes and pretend nothing happened". Sicard is alleged to have phoned the Euskaltel supremo himself to explain exactly what happened in the early hours on November 11.
  • Orbea recruit Omar Fraile was voted "Best Vízcayan Amateur Cyclist of 2011" on Thursday. The annual award - which have been handed out to riders like Txurruka, Castroviejo, Intxausti, Antón, Euba and Peio Bilbao in the past (to name but a few) - was handed to the climber yesterday in Mungia in the presence of Naturgas Energía representatives Urretxua, Arberas and Zarate, future team-mate Haritz Orbe and Santi Barranco, his DS at Seguros Bilbao. Source: BiciCiclismo.
  • Álvaro González de Galdeano - likely to be handed more responsibility at the team in 2012 following his brother Igor's resignation - is one of 50 sport directors to have attended the UCI's annual training course at the World Cycling Center in Aigle, Switzerland this year, Cyclingnews reports.

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