Thursday, November 10, 2011

Grijalba explains goodbye

Given his three wins and obvious potential, it was a surprise to see Fernando Grijalba leave Naturgas at the end of the season. Or rather: it was a surprise to see the young pucnheur not being offered a deal at Orbea. Instead the opted to join Caja Rural's all-conquering amateur side. Speaking to Cobbels and Hills, he explained why.

"My leaving was mainly due to a need for a change - something new and challenging", he confided. "Actually I'm very grateful to the Fundación Euskaid for the chance they gave me, but, as I said, I needed a change and Caja Rural offered me a good schedule. Hopefully I'll be able to pay them back for the trust they've placed in me."

Grijalba posted wins in Ereño, La Puebla and Oñati this year, and was quite happy with his performances throughout 2011.

"I worked really hard, I took care of my body, I trained well... and I feel it paid off. The biggest plus was that I was able to stay with the strongest riders in almost all races. It wasn't like in previous seasons when I tended to drop in and out of form. I managed to sustain my form for long periods and ended the season on a high".

"Next year, I want to do more of the same: being consistent all year. I want to do well in the Spanish Cup, grab a podium spot in one of the stage-races and be competitive at the National Championships. In addition, I'd like to represent my country in every possible race."

While some departures from Naturgas have been made official, there's still been no word from the Fundación as to who'll make up the roster in 2012.

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