Friday, June 29, 2012

"Euskaltel should be like Rabobank"

As the debate as to whether Euskaltel should stay exclusively Basque or not in 2013 continues to rumble, team leader Samuel Sánchez has voiced his opinion. Perhaps not surprisingly, the only non-Basque thinks the team should open up its doors somewhat.

"The team should adopt a model similar to the one over at Rabobank", Samu told El Correo. "Seventy percent of the roster should be made up of locals, while the rest should come from outside the Basque Country, guys with experience who could guide the youngsters".

Samu is the only non-Basque on the team and without a doubt the most important rider. He continues to reiterate his dedication to the team, but is yet to put pen to paper on a new deal.

"I'm not short on offers from other teams, but my intention is to stay", was his short reply.

And what about his career post-racing?

"I'd like to be a kind of technical advisor. Not a DS, but more like a bridge between the riders and the directors. That way I'd get to share my experience".

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