Sunday, June 24, 2012

'Gerri' welcomes Galdeano return

Current head of sport at Euskaltel, Gorka Gerrikagoitia, would have no trouble seeing Igor González de Galdeano back in the fold at the team. It's widely expected Galdeano will lead the team from 2013 and onwards, thus seeing 'Gerri' move back into his old role as directeur sportif. 

"I couldn't say no when Miguel Madariaga asked me to become manager last year", he told Gara. "It would be unfair of me seeing as I owe him a lot, but it was not something I wanted. Therefore I'd be positive to see Igor back, but it has to be done the right way."

Gerrikagoitia confirmed what reports earlier this week suggested, that Galdeano would not come back in time to lead the team in France. From next year on though, he'll be an important addition to the team.

"Our relationship has always been good. We've worked side by side for six years, and it would be good if the team continued and he came in as manager. He was an important person for this outfit and he'll continue to be so in the future. I have no trouble with him returning, all I ask is that it's clarified. That's what we all want."

Who'll lead the team next year wasn't the only thing he wanted sorted out. While it's no secret Euskaltel will stay on in the peloton, as of yet there's been no official word from anyone. It's time, says the former pro.

"We know what we read in the press, that Euskaltel will take control of the team, and the sooner that's official, the better. To stay in this state of uncertainty is not good for the team with a view to the Tour de France. I wouldn't say I'm especially nervous about the future - my job is to do the best I can on the road, focus on doing a good season and keeping the sponsors happy."

The make-up of the team next year continues to be the subject of conjecture, but Gerrikagoitia appears to know no more than anyone else despite his position within the team.

"If a new project starts up and the owners want to grow the team bigger, of course there'll be changes. I don't know what those changes would be, but surely changes to the team structure would be made. If those would concern the sports directors, the infrastructure or whatever, I don't know... It all depends on the main sponsor. Our unique philosophy is nice, but it's difficult to maintain. If we could accumulate the necessary WorldTour points without signing anyone, that would be good. But it's clear that it'll be difficult to stay at the head of this sport with our philosophy".


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