Saturday, June 02, 2012

Just in: Euskaltel stars to stay

Reports coming out of Spain Saturday morning indicate the team's biggest stars will still ride for Euskaltel in 2013.

The lack of clarification on the direction the team will be taking beyond the current season has led to speculation about the future of the outfit's most important riders. However, trustworthy Bilbao-based daily El Correo today has it that these speculations have been laid to rest as they claim "Euskaltel will continue and reinforce its commitment to cycling". Sánchez, Antón, Nieve, and the youngsters like Ion Izagirre and Mikel Landa, thus have a team for next year it says: Euskaltel-Euskadi.

El Correo claim to have this information from "sourced contacted by the newspaper", and further goes on to state what's been widely anticipated: that telecommunications firm Euskaltel will assume complete control of the team and up their current contribution (which has been at approximately 3 million euro the last few years). The team will continue to rely on institutional support from the Basque government and the Provincial Councils within the Basque Country.

It's believed, though not confirmed, that the team will have a budget of around 8-9 million euro from 2013 and beyond. Statements from Miguel Madariaga in Marca yesterday, where he said the team might turn Continental next year, thus appear to be wide off the mark and wholly unrealistic.



  1. I hope I hope I hope! Heck, *I'll* start up a collection plate for them if it'll help. Aupa Euskaltel--for many years to come!

  2. Kristof5:47 pm

    Yeah good news! Let's hope it soon will be confirmed they go on for some years (as cofidis did). If I read well, government will still play his role, so the name of Euskadi stays in the team logo?

  3. One would think so as the government stays on, yeah. Definitely hope so anyway!
