Monday, June 18, 2012

Time for a change?

The blog will most likely undergo a name change in the coming days - a change which I'd admit is long overdue.  After all, it's been a while since Ibán Mayo last competed and I think everyone checking into this page does so for Euskaltel-related news. Sticking by the Mayo-theme doesn't really make sense. The name, I know, also confuses some. I'm writing this so that you won't get all "what happened to this site?"-ish, and I'll probably stick to the current address for a while so that people still will be able to find it.

This post will stay at the top of the blog for a few days, meaning news will be posted below this one. Feel free to let me know if you think changing the name makes sense, and I'm always open to name suggestions. I've figured out another name I'll probably opt for, but it's kind of boring and serious so please don't hesitate in letting me know what you would have called it.

In the meantime, let's hope Nieve bags a top result in Switzerland. Aupa!


  1. Bolsen32:23 am

    Makes a lot of sense to me! I came for the Mayo-news years back, but stayed for the Euskaltel-news ;)

    Personally, Iban Mayo stopped being a hero to me a long time ago, once I realized that he was no better than all the other cheaters. Sure one could argue that "everyone else did it", but that's a pretty lame excuse by any standards. Surly Iban was no longer worthy of being my hero, and I think he is no longer worthy of carrying the name of this excellent blog!

    Will never forget his unique riding style, though, and THAT win on alpe d'huez. And all the ups and downs, mostly downs unfortunately. But it's time to move on :)

  2. Certainly is...Iban will always be near and dear to our hearts.
    Now would be a good time for a name-change, you got a shout-out from the Orbea page. Maybe traffic and discussion will pick up a bit.

    Seeing as how your write-ups cover the breadth of Euskadi cycling, not just Euskaltel, maybe you could incorporate that into the name? I love the 'Lasterketa burua' for a name but very few non-Euskera speakers would know what the hell you're talking about!

    Another thing while I'm at it, have you thought of adding in facebook links for sharing on your blog posts? I have a few cycling friends back in Euskadi who are working on their English. I know they would enjoy seeing some Euskaltel stories pop up on their newsfeed, always helpful to know something about the subject before you read it in a second language.

    But as always, don't change the content. You're a godsend Magnus! Keep up the great work!

  3. Anonymous9:52 am

    Is Euskadi Cycling too simple to think of? IMO it covers the blog perfectly and also gives it higher results in search enginges for it's purpose of giving news about Euskadi cycling.

  4. I'm sad to see the name change but of course you're right. Still miss Iban though. The key thing is, please don't stop doing this blog--it's my go-to site for info about the astonishingly talented and always-underestimated Basque cyclists both from you and the commenters, and I've learned and enjoyed it so much!

  5. Great news Magnus. As much as I liked Iban Mayo, it is sfe to say that he is rarely in the news any more. This blog is great for Euskaltel cycling and you would draw more viewers for team news if you were to change the name. You will also get more viewers researching the name is more International sponsors and riders are added.

    Here is to a bright future!!

  6. Anonymous5:04 pm

    I dont really care what its called as long as you keep up the good work!
    This is my one stop place to check up on my favourite team and love reading about how they are doing. Especially at the moment with Mikel going so so well!!

    Just as a side shoot to this, im not sure about the coverge you guys get on racing, but on Eurosport, they always seem suprised when they mention Mikels name in the groups at the lead on mountainous stages. I would say we have the best "underdog" climber/stage racer in the pro peleton. Definately worth his status as team leader in the Giro.
    All they have to do now is learn to time trial a bit better!!!

    Richie L

  7. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!

    I've actually been thinking about the "Lasterketa burua"-name for quite a while, but, as you say Josh, it wouldn't make much sense to anyone else! Would be cool though....

    I'll probably opt for "Euskadi cycling news" or "Basque cycling news" or something along those lines - and I'll be looking into the facebook-links!

    All the best,
