Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Open letter from Tour riders

Besides taking their bikes out for a spin for an hour and a half, the remaining Euskaltel riders at the Tour spent the day writing an open letter to the public. I've tried translating most of it for you, and here goes:

We haven't slept well the last few nights. Mikel, Amets, Samuel and Gorka abandoning has been a setback. We came to the Tour with all the motivation in the world, but over the course of two days we've taken hard hits. It costs to absorb what's happened to us. To prepare for the Tour takes much time and effort. 

But it is what it is, and we're in no doubt we'll rise to the challenge and defend Euskaltel's jersey with pride every time we put a back number on. To ride with this jersey is a responsibility and a privilege. We're at the best race in the world, and we know what everything we do in this race will be noticeable worldwide. It's time to step forward.

Days like those of Cotobello or Bilbao spring to mind. Days where we were able to show just what this jersey means to us shortly after being hit by bad luck. That's not to say we'll repeat those feats, but we can assure you that we'll do our utmost to make you feel you're a part of our effort. That would be our greatest reward. That would be our best tribute.

We know you'll be at home or in the gutters riding with us. Now that we're five, we need you more than ever. We've got two weeks of riding ahead of us. On the "Radio Tour" you'll once again hear that an Euskaltel rider is in the breakaway. We'll fight for a stage win we would dedicate to everyone, with special hugs for Amets, Samuel, Mikel and Gorka. Because we know you're suffering more at home than on the bike. Because we miss you.

Thank you. 


  1. Anonymous12:03 am

    Plz, give us one stage win!

    I feel with the lads


  2. Stephen2:19 am

    How nice is that?

    Best of luck to them all, they deserve it now more than ever.

    "To ride with this jersey is a responsibility and a privilege"

    I wonder how many riders on other teams would say that?

  3. I love this team so much. GORA EUSKALTEL!!

  4. Anonymous2:08 pm

    Good work lads. This is your time now to shine on the biggest stage in the world.
    Do your best and do the jersey and team proud!!!



  5. Michael9:22 pm

    For all EUSKALTEL-riders:
    Be sure of our fanatic support!!!
    This is the most authentic team I know!

