Sunday, July 08, 2012

Samu injury update

Reports coming through indicate that Samuel Sánchez has broken his right hand, left collarbone and also dislocated the same shoulder in the crash that took him out of the Tour de France on today's eighth stage.

If those reports turn out to be true, Samu can definitely wave goodbye to his dream of defending his Olympic gold in London in a few weeks' time. There might have been a slim chance of getting to London if he'd "only" sustained a collarbone fracture, but it'll now take a miracle for the amiable 34-year-old to get fit in time.

More later.


  1. Kristof5:48 pm

    What a terrible day/week for everyone who is Euskaltel minded. I can imagine you will not have many pleasure writing about the TDF on this site the next week... TDF was always my moment of the year, but every year it's becoming worse with these crashes. Some riders should be banned for life, they kick and push on their bycicle as if they are in a box game. I think the crash of Samu was a mistake by his own, didn't see it very good but it was terrible how he hit the ground. Trying a bit positive now is hard, but you think he can, with all this injuries, do focus on Vuelta and WCR?

  2. Fjelldal6:57 pm

    Maybe Gorka Izagirre can take a stage win and save the tour for Euskadi?

  3. I don't see why he wouldn't aim to be at the start in the Vuelta, give Antón a hand, get back in shape, and aim for Worlds, Lombardia and all that. Sounds feasible to me anyway.

    Yeah, I'd say Gorka is Euskaltel's main man now. He looks to be in top shape, and should stand a good chance of a stage win if he gets into the right one. Urtasun and Pérez should also have their chances from break. Egoi, I reckon, should give the KOM jersey a real good go.
