Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Velasco ruled out by collarbone fracture

Iván Velasco's transition from WorldTour to Pro Continental level hasn't been all that smooth. The results haven't been there (24th at the Tour de Finistère is hardly worth bragging about), and he's now set on the sidelines after crashing on Sunday.

The Caja Rural recruit broke his left collarbone and left wrist two days ago, and will get his injuries examined on Wednesday. On Friday, with all data on the table, a decision will be taken on when and if an operation is needed.

Despite his travails, the 33-year-old is staying upbeat.

"I have no choice but to be optimistic", he says in a press release. "It's a shame as I've been feeling better every day and was looking forward to continue helping the team. Now I can only wait and hope everything turns out well and that I can compete again soon. The lay-off is a bit hard, but we'll turn this corner".

Photo: www.teinteresa.es

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