Monday, July 23, 2007

Iban targeting stage 16

Iban looked to be back to his best on stage 15, though I guess his result today doesn`t convince you. He once again opted for an easy ride when he realised the break had too big an advantage to be reeled back in. Though, he came with the favourites to the foot of the Peyresourde, surely a sign of his great form at the moment. He eventually came home 34th, 9 minutes down, meaning he`s now 18th overall. He looked totally unaffected when crossing the line so I`m still hopeful for a stage-win on Wednesday. He`ll for sure try to get in the break that day, just like he tried today. I told you on beforehand that he would win the 19th stage of the Giro, and I`m asking for your trust once again when I say that he`ll shine on Wednesday. Believe me, he will. His fans and family will be there to spur him on, so he won`t be hanging around saving himself for later that day. He will give it his all, and when he does that on top of his form, it usually ends up quite well.


  1. Anonymous11:32 am

    what got me more angry, was that haimar didn't manage to get the stage. i really thought he would do it, but vino just had saved to much energy on stage 14 as he doies not ride for the gc anymore.

  2. Anonymous1:14 pm

    I talked with God today and he said me that Iban will beat 'em all. It's going to be just like 2003 but out of the GC

  3. Anonymous10:56 pm

    Haimar deserved. Vino doped :(

    Iban will win. Last two stages I had a feeling that he wouldn't get the victory, now I have that feeling :)

  4. Anonymous6:11 pm

    " I talked with God today and he said me that Iban will beat 'em all"

    so the final proof today: god is dead :D

  5. Anonymous6:41 pm

    At least he tried :p

    Is Iban thinking about winning any other competition this year? Like Urkiola, Klasika... ¿anyone knows?

  6. Anonymous12:59 am

    Mayo had bad luck today

  7. Anonymous10:02 pm

    by the way, with the exclusion of rasmussen haimar already at his rank from 2003!
    and only 27 seconds up to sastre
    mikel at 10th place and 11 seconds up to soler which schould be no problem in the time trial

  8. That`s true. Sorry for not posting lately, but I`ve been without connection here at Corsica for some days now...
