Monday, July 23, 2007

No legs for Iban on stage 14

So, what happened to Iban yesterday? Don`t ask me, I`ve got no idea to be honest. I had high hopes for a win for a long time, as he had talked up his chances prior to the stage. Up the Pailhères it all looked good until they reached the one km to go banner. Then, Iban just suddenly dropped backwards. Though, he didn`t look tired at all, rather the contrary. He said afterwards that he just couldn`t feel his legs, and that he opted to save energy for the remaining stages when he realised victory was out of reach. Not bad thinking, and we`ve seen it work out before. Anyone remember the Giro? It worked wonders back then, and I`m hopeful it`ll do the same now. Though, it is frustrating I have to admit. But I try to stay positive and trust Iban in what he`s doing. I`ve trusted Iban`s judgement earlier, and he`s never let me down. Venga Iban!

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