Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My view

I guess you`re all excited now, huh? I`m sorry that I let you all wait so long for my view on it, but I needed some time to think, and to, yeah, think some more. It`s not that I`m lost for words or anything, rather the contrary, I`ve just got so much I want to express that I needed some time to figure out how to say it. This is going to be one very long, messy and chaotic post I think...

First of all, it`s just terrible. That`s the best word I think. Needless to say it`s the worst thing I`ve experienced when it comes to sports, and for a sports fanatic like me, that speaks volumes. I`ve been a die-hard Arsenal fan since 1997, and they`ve had their fair share of ups and downs I guess you can say. I`ve also been an Euskaltel and Iban fanatic as you know since early 2004, and to say the least, it`s been more lows than highs these years. So the news came as a big blow, not just to me, but to all us Iban fans.

Iban has not yet come out with an official statement regarding the positive A-sample. I guess that will come soon, and I`m dying to know what he has to say. If it is indeed true, then please tell the truth Iban. I doubt he`ll speak much before the B-sample has been tested, so I don`t think we`ll see many interviews with him the next few days. Of course, I still carry hope that it`s all just been a mistake, that the B-sample will come back negative, but how often does that happen? Quite frankly never I reckon, but all I can do is to hope....

I`ve received quite a few e-mails wondering what will happen to the blog. That`s a tough one, but I`ve decided to go on as normal writing everyting on Iban and Euskaltel at least till the B-sample comes back. After that we`ll see, but I doubt I`m just going to quit the whole thing. I`m too interested and too fond of Iban and Euskaltel to just do that. But time will tell I guess.

It seems many of you, my readers, almost hate Iban for doping. I don`t blame you, I really don`t. It`s a natural reaction to something like this, but I just wanted to say that I don`t. You all know where I stand in the fight against doping, and that I`m all anti-doping, so don`t question that. It`s just that, when you are so into a cyclist and really passionate about his riding, you just don`t suddenly hate the guy. That`s not how it works; not for me anyway. I understand all your reactions, believe me, but I`m not feeling the same way as many of you obviously are. It really sucks that he doped, if that`s indeed the case, but I still like him. Its just the same with Euskaltel. If the whole team were caught for systematic doping, I`d still not hate them I think. Okay, maybe, I don`t know... But anyway, I`m waiting for the B-sample to do any eventual changes to the blog, so stay tuned for ALL the latest on Iban and this heartbreaking case. You never abandon your heroes, so I won`t. Aupa Iban!


  1. It's good that you don't stop your blog because you're really doing a great thing (y)

    I can imagine what you're feeling right now because I would feel the same if Haimar Zubeldia would get caught :s

    Although the doping news from Iban didn't came that unexpected, on belgian tv they said that Iban went to Saunier Duval because there was less control than at his old team. I don't know if this is true but I don't think Saunier Duval is a clean team at all, so maybe he better stayed with Euskaltel

  2. I agree. Saunier is not the cleanest team in the world:(

  3. Magnus; It's the first time I'm on your page. I was just googlin for som news about Mayo and he's B-sample and I saw your blog and thought "Huh, why don't I take a look, it could be funny to read what other people thinks about Iban and the resent news."

    I read it, and it's the exact same thoughts who is in my head right now. Whatever happens he's still my hero.

    I blame Saunier. It seams like they're a fuckin dope acadamy :(

  4. Good to hear that he`ll stay the hero for others as well. Welcome by the way:D

  5. Anonymous1:15 pm

    If this is it for Mayo, you should make it a 100 % Euskaltel-blog! With Sanchez and the youngsters there should be loads to write about in the future. Keep it up!

  6. Anonymous1:43 pm

    Don't stop your blog just change it to an Euskatel one. There my fav team just wish they could do the biz in a big race like the Tour of Switzerland in 2005 when Aitor González blew everyone away on the final stage.

    p.s unlukcy your a gooner you won't win anything this season either. Up the Blues!

  7. Anonymous2:19 pm

    Iban, you idiot :(

    Glad I didn't buy the Saunier-jersey.

    I'm just hoping neither Igor Anton or Beñat Intxausti are doped - but that's maybe too high expectations?

  8. I don`t know, have hope that both Igor and Beñat are clean. But, too bad Beñat Intxausti ended up in the wrong team...

  9. Anonymous3:38 pm

    First the humour

    'EPO unwittingly injected into my Burger ~ tainted Mayo-naise

    Secondly the truth

    Sure a cyclist who beats a 5-time (then) TDF champion on one of the toughest rides by minutes is obviously clean

  10. Du virker som en oppgående person, men støtter du Iban nå så støtter du også doping!

  11. Nei, d e ikkje tilfelle. Iban vil fortsatt vere helten min, men eg hata d han gjorde...

  12. Anonymous9:25 pm

    I still don't really believe it. I cannot believe it.

    When I read the news, I didn't feel anything actually. It slowly comes in my mind, but I still like Mayo and his way of cycling. That will never stop I think and I hope.

    Last year I had some tears when I saw Mayo struggling in the Pyrennees. But with this news... nothing.

    Still hoping and praying for a mistake in the UCI or in the dopingcontrol.

    Otherwise Iban's career (at least his TdF career) will be over. And that would be disastrous I think.

    I imagined during the TdF that Mayo wasn't there on the Tour. It was not as half as nice...

    Well, I also am a big fan of Gomez Marchante (he is clean, I promise you). He maybe is in a doping team, but he will have to rule the Tour to make things nice again, when Mayo won't start anymore.

    Iban, I hope you didn't dope... During this message I suddenly realised what he did, or what they say he did.

  13. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Sorry about my english, i am from Spain.
    Everything in cycling is a lie. Nobody in a hight level is clean, they have always doped, it is normal,and it is healthy nowadays. In proTour, just some french riders is posible to say are clean, no more. That is the reality. Everybody is blame in this case, but most of them, UCI, the most corrupted organization ive ever seen, and Tour organizator.
    We have so many good riders in Spain becouse our good doctors. The same in tenis and others sports.

  14. Anonymous12:04 am

    So you believe Contador and Zubeldia and Asterloza all used dope?

    How is it possible then that they all aren't tested positive.

    On the other side: Mayo won't be the only one, you can't blame him then.

  15. Anonymous1:12 pm


    I think this is one on the cleanest Tours I ever see. But, in spite of that, doping is generalised. Controls doesnt work. How is possible Basso and all the other people on OP never be positive??. Fuentes were so codiciated for that. He put EPO in cyclist but never test positive.
    Nobody is a suicide man, they think are not posible to be tested positive, and they dope becouse they think the other is doped. And that is something that teams and UCI and everybody Knows.
    I think Contador were dope. I am not sure about Zubeldia and Astarloza. I am sure Valverde were not so doped how avitually, and we see that in TimeTrial and last week. The Caisse are always the clevest.

  16. Totally agree with you Spain-guy. The UCI=corrupt. Spain full of dope and Caisse the most clever ones. Just what I`ve been thinking all along...
