Tuesday, August 07, 2007

B-sample back tomorrow?

It's rumoured that Iban's B-test result will be revealed tomorrow. I guess that wouldn't be so strange, after all it's been at least a week. If it comes back tomorrow, you'll find it here. Mistakes do happen, so I'm hoping for a miracle. The end may be near...


  1. Anonymous7:23 pm

    We hope so.
    But i haveheard from something near to Iban that microdosis of EPO are taken in the ret day how something usuall in the peloton and after training 2 hours are not posible to detect in a control. For Iban the control was before the trainig so it is very difficult that something good for us came tomorrow. We will see, anyway, are too many days for the B-test and that is something good.

  2. I'm hoping for a good result, but I doubt it...

  3. Anonymous10:38 pm

    I will be praying...

  4. Anonymous3:07 pm

    iban's b-sample is also postive
    just heard it!!!

  5. Anonymous6:47 pm

    Kashechkin positive...

  6. yeah just read it. What a surprise. Same old story with Astana...

  7. Anonymous10:24 pm

    you all get nervous...

  8. Yeah, that's really funny dude. If you haven't got anything interesting/respectful to say, please leave... Though, if you wanna stay serious, you are more then welcome to participate in our discussions.

  9. Anonymous11:11 pm

    Your blog got more attention after the EPO news, Magnus. Thats a positive side ;)

    And yes, I am nervous. I supported him over years, you know.

  10. Yeah, seems like it. I get all these people sending me e-mails nowadays from all over the world expressing their sympathy/disgust. I even got interviewed by the local radio station on dope, Iban etc. the other day. Though, sadly, that's not really important you know. but, yeaah, people suddenly seem interested:D
