Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tour evaluation

Yeah, I know it's a bit late, after all it's been more than a week since it ended now. But, nonetheless, here's my evaluation of each rider's performance in the Tour.
  • Haimar Zubeldia: Absolutely fantastic, nothing less. A 5th place overall just underlines Haimar's qualities against the clock and his climbing, and not least his consistency. He's an amazing rider, and I was really pleased to see him attack in the mountains for once. He should do more of that. The stage-win eluded him, but he'll be pleased nonetheless. Aupa Haimar!
  • Igor Antón: The only disappointment as far as I can see. Abandoned early, and didn't look good while he was riding. Has now been taking a breather, something that'll do him the world of good I think. Though, he did crash heavily once, and also suffered from some kind of illness, so he's partially excused. He'll bounce back with some wins later this year, mark my words.
  • Mikel Astarloza: A lot of experts has dubbed him the "revelation" of the race. Finished 9th after solid climbing and spectacular time trialling throughout. Has enjoyed a stellar first season with the team, and he truly lived up to expectations for those three weeks. Still only 27 though, so much more to come from him I'm sure. Great race, great performance, great rider. He's just what the team needs, and will surely be sought after by the other Pro Tour teams when his contract expires. One of the most important riders on the team, but he has to improve his acceleration on the climbs if he's to challenge for a podium spot in the future. But, still, you're brilliant Mikel. Just brilliant...
  • Jorge Azanza: Came through all three weeks strong, if unspectacular. He came to get experience, and he sure did. Did the dirty work for the team when asked, and contributed to the strong overall team performance. 82nd overall is not bad for a Tour debutant; not bad at all actually. Formed part of a couple of breaks along the way as well, so thumbs up for Jorge. He'll be one of the cornerstones in the team for the future, and this Tour has given him the experience he needs to progress further I think.
  • Iñaki Isasi: Took a while to get going for him it seemed, but came through. Though, he's been out injured for most of the season, so he did well. Notched up two top 15 placings in sprints if I'm not mistaken, and reached Paris ranked 90th. Not bad, but the fast-man will be hoping for a stronger showing in the Vuelta in September.
  • Iñigo Landaluze: Same old story... Once again lit up the race with his aggressive racing, and looked to be in top, top shape, but all he ended up with was another 2nd place. You have to feel for the guy, but he'll take comfort in the fact that he was super strong all three weeks. A 43rd place overall is also really good for a breakaway specialist like him, though he's not going to throw a party just for that I'm afraid. Will be looking for a stage-win in come the Vuelta, something he's no doubt capable of pulling off. Anyway, back to the Tour. He was once again an integral part of the team, so his bosses will be happy with him. So am I.
  • Rubén Pérez: He really came of age during the Tour. He was nothing short of phenomenal, period. Was the rider who ended up being the most in breaks, and that tells you all about this young rider's attitude. Sacrificed himself several times for the team's greater good, and that's something sports directors and fans alike like to see. Great stuff from Rubén, who's really put his name on the map of pro cycling. Ended up an honourable 50th.
  • Amets Txurruka: Few had heard of this young fellow prior to the Tour, but now he's on everyone's lips. First of all, winning the most aggressive rider prize in his first ever outing in the race speaks volumes. But what impressed me the most was his 23rd place overall and his 3rd place in the young riders competition. I've always been aware of his climbing skills, but now I think everyone else is as well. He's going to be a great rider young Amets.
  • Gorka Verdugo: The best I've ever seen of him. I've always valued Gorka and riders like him, but seeing him so active and so strong on the climbs really opened my eyes for his qualities. He was everpresent in breaks and really, like Rubén and Amets, put his mark on the race. More of the same for the future please!


  1. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Good overview!

    It was a good Tour for Euskaltel actually. A pity they did not get a stagevictory, but if next year they are like this, they will get one for sure.

  2. Yeah, I think they will. Iñigo is bound to win eventually...

  3. Anonymous8:53 am

    Just to mention...
    On a Dutch cyclingsite there are two lads who have an official fanclub for Landaluze btw. So Euskaltel is supported everywhere :)
