Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Euskaltel for Deutschland Tour

Euskaltel will send the following 8 riders to the Deutschland Tour starting on Friday: Aitor Galdos, Koldo Fernández, Unai Uribarri, Dioni Galparsoro, Antton Luengo, Juanjo Oroz, Jon Bru and Alán Pérez. As Euskaltel's two main sprinters, Aitor and Koldo, will be present, hopes for good sprint results are high. The team will probably pin their general classification hopes on Dioni, who'll be looking for a strong showing to show he's worthy of a place in Euskaltel's Vuelta line-up. Overall it looks like a solid team, so I'm for once expecting good results from Euskaltel in this race. Antton lit up the race last year with some impressing climbing, so he'll be hoping for a repeat performance. Aupa!

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