Thursday, August 30, 2007

Euskaltel support anti-doping movement

Euskaltel is one of twelve Pro Tour teams which has agreed on tougher out-of-competition tests as of 2008. The program will see Euskaltel take 600 tests, 80 % of these being out of competition, for next season. The Professional Cycling Teams Association further stated after a anti-doping meeting that this new hard line on doping would commence in January 2008, and that all tests will be paid for by the respective teams. This initiative was welcomed with oper arms from WADA and the UCI. Great to see Euskaltel finally getting tough on the cheats. Aupa!


  1. Anonymous9:24 pm

    That's a good thing for sure.

    Euskaltel is also this season one of the few teams that is never involved in dopingshit.

    While many Dutchmen say: I do not trust the Basque team... Stupid lads...

    I always become way to0 angry if they say that :D

  2. Anonymous9:32 pm

    well, their performance in 2003 and 2004 was quite amazing. Maybe too good

  3. You might have a point there... But, you're rigth arnout; no troubles for Euskaltel this year, except for Aketza of course.
