Thursday, August 30, 2007

The silence

My guess: the B-sample is non-negative, and the UCI are now working their butts off to find out why the A-sample turned out positive. That's what I reckon is the most probable option at the moment. If it confirmed the finding of the first test, then why the delay? I can't see one reason why the UCI would want to do that if the B-test was also positive. But, hey, I don't know, I'm no doping expert. But this whole case just seems strange... If "Matxin", Iban's sports director at Saunier, is to be believed, something he most surely is, then the result should have been unveiled on Monday. That's almost four days ago. But why this silence from the UCI? Why don't they keep the fans up to date on the process? I'm struggling to come up with one single reason. Silence is never a good thing, but perhaps in this case it is. Let's hope so.


  1. Maybe it was like in the old days, the urine was from somebody else and now they have to get Ibans urine but they cant find him :P

    No really, I don't know what to think about, normally in Belgium everything goes quickly, not like in The Netherlands so I don't know whats happening

  2. Anonymous11:36 pm

    Maybe they don't let him free till the World Championships.

    Every day it becomes more strange.

  3. Anonymous12:50 am

    it's a blood test, not a urine test (afaik). We have no idea why the test results aren't public but... thinking that UCI may be hiding something is just crazy. Don't give false hope to people!

  4. the uci tends to leak positive results to the press, so it would follow that silence means a negative, right?

    But I have to agree with anonymous, it is crazy to assume that the UCI is behind the lag.

    Maybe it's just the lab making sure it does everything correctly. I'm sure they payed close attention when Floyd Landis' lawyers attacked procedural errors by the French lab.

    I'm also curious why Iban's camp has remained so quiet. Do they know more than we do?

    Anyway, Aupa Iban!

  5. OK, a little misunderstanding here... I did not mean to say that the UCI is hiding anything. What I meant was that if the testing had gone straigthforward, and a positive came back, then we would have known by now I think. I don't think the UCI would not tell us if it was positive... So what I'm saying is that I believe it's not plain positive since they've kept quiet until now. Understand?

  6. All this waiting is nerve-wracking!

    Mag, you are an invaluble resource. I wouldn't know where else to turn. Thank you.

  7. Anonymous1:47 pm


    Yeah!! From Spain, thanks to Magnus

  8. It's my pleasure:D

  9. I see that Kashechkins B sample result has come back and his blood test was done on 1st of August. I know it was for transfusions as oppossed to EPO but it does make you wonder what is going on. Yes and I agree thank you Magnus for keeping us all informed.
    Aupa Iban.

  10. Anonymous11:43 pm

    Cycling News said the result was going to be made public last Monday because the test was ALREADY completed by noon last Friday. Quote: According to Matxín, the laboratory "finished its work at noon". The UCI answered that "nothing will be known neither officially nor unofficially until Monday." One week later and still no response!

  11. Anonymous12:17 am

    Come on... we are really tired of this situation. Ánimo Iban!
