Saturday, September 01, 2007

Poll results: B-sample to come back positive?

I guess you've all grown a little tired of my poll at the right-hand menu by now. "B-sample to come back positive?" has been around for quite some time now, and I had originally planned to keep it up until the test result was unveiled. Though, as we all know, when that will happen is up in the air at the moment, so I decided that enough is enough and I replaced it. Though, it was an interesting poll wasn't it? In the end, only 55 % thought Iban's B-sample would come back positive. That must surely be an all-time low when it comes to dope tests positive for EPO. But it shows we've all got faith, or at least hope, in Iban. Or perhaps it's just because this process seems to be neverending. Anyway, new poll, so vote!

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