Saturday, August 18, 2007

No success for Koldo and Aitor

The Deutschland Rundfahrt came to a close today with another sprint finish. Sadly, neither Koldo nor Aitor could mix it with the best today and came in 13th and 20th respectively. That was a huge let-down, as I had got my hopes up that they could perhaps snatch a win on the final day. But never mind, there'll be other races for them to win... The rest of the riders came in with the bunch, so the final overall standings looks like this:
  • 46th, Dioni Galparsoro
  • 47th, Jon Bru
  • 62nd, Juanjo Oroz
  • 86th, Antton Luengo
  • 106th, Alán Pérez
  • 123rd, Unai Uribarri
  • 124th, Koldo Fernández
  • 144th, Aitor Galdos

In the team rankings Euskaltel ended up a lowly 15th...


  1. Anonymous8:27 am

    happy birthday, IBAN!!!

  2. Anonymous9:20 am

    Yes, you´ve right. Iban has birthday today. Congratulations... Tomorrow is an other day, but at this time he allready know the answer.
