Saturday, August 18, 2007

Samuel 8th in Burgos final

Samu Sánchez showed signs of approaching top form in today's Vuelta a Burgos final. Samu was a part of the day's decisive break, and looked good indeed, but weren't able to fight for the win. Kyrienka, the Belarussian of team Tinkoff, went for broke with 3 km to go, leaving the rest of a 16-man break trailing in his wake. He won solo ahead of Caisse's Francisco Pérez, who tried, and failed, to bridge up to the strongman. Garzelli won the sprint for third, with Samu coming home 8th. Finally he showed himself in this race; that's good news for his Vuelta podium aspirations. Another rider who showed himself a bit today was Igor Antón, who was lively on the day's first category 1 climb. Though, ironically, Igor was the only Euskaltel rider who didn't come in with the peloton today. He came in some 40 seconds in arrears.

On GC, Amets finished a good 20th, while Aitor and Igor weren't far behind in 26th and 27th place respectively. Samu ended up 54th, Markel 55th and Iñaki 58th. Lander placed 78th overall. In the team rankings Euskaltel landed the 5th spot, while Iñaki took the same place in the mountains classification.

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