Saturday, September 15, 2007

Iban's test in Australia

Finally we have a clue to what's going on with Iban's B-sample. At the time of writing, the sample is in Australia for additional testing. It was tested in Gent, but has been sent to Australia as it seems that EPO tests have to be tested twice due to some problems with some triathletes' tests recently. Though, when they're finished with the testing Down Under is a big unknown at the time being.


  1. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Thanks for these updates, Magnus!

  2. Anonymous2:13 pm

    I guess this is bad news? If that is the reason they're sending it to Australia. Then it's probably not something wrong with Ibans test I think. But I'll still hope for the best!

  3. Anonymous2:37 pm

    We're damned...

  4. Anonymous6:32 pm

    Its over I'm afraid...

  5. Anonymous1:29 am

    This must be a joke! There is only one B sample and if it's been tested in Belgium, I don't see how then can send it to Australia afterwards to be tested again. Was the A sample tested twice? - I think not. I've never heard of this before with anyone else's tests.

  6. Me neither to be honest...

  7. Anonymous8:10 pm

    This is exactly what I expected. The epo-test is a complicated and difficult procedure that might give wrong results.

    This happened to the belgian triathlete Rutger Beke (several top 10 rankings in Hawaï). His A and B-sample were both positive. It seemed that he had used, but actually he didn't. Together with professors of the university of Gent he proved his innocence in a trial and all the charges against him were dropped. Most important consequence: the epo-test isn't 100% correct. There are cases where a non-doped racer can deliver a positive sample.

    This can be true in Iban's case and that's exactly the reason why his sample had to be tested at Gent. At that place they have the most experience with it.

    The transfer to Australia might give the indication that the researchers are doubting about the correctness of Iban's sample and that's why it is taking such a long time. Actually it would astonish me that Iban should have used epo, everybody knows it's easy to find. There are several beter products on the market.

    A belgian Iban fan.

  8. Anonymous10:09 pm

    This is taking too long. Isn't there some legal deadline to do the tests. I mean the rider is suspended all this time. He can not race, sign contracts. If they are using the rule guilty until proven innocent, shouldn't they speed up the process?

  9. Anonymous11:07 pm

    Great work.
