Saturday, September 15, 2007

Markel climbs to 7th overall in Poland

Markel Irizar is a noteworthy 7th overall going into the last stage of the Tour de Pologne. That's a great performance so far from him, and he'll hope to stay in touch with the leaders on tomorrow's tough stage. Markel was naturally also one of three Euskaltel riders to come in with the first big bunch, made up of 90 men. Juanjo and Jon were the others, grabbing 31st and 32nd on the stage respectively. Further down the list of results you find Antton Luengo in a lowly and disappointing 97th, 6:27 back, while Iban Iriondo was 7:52 down. Andoni Aranaga and Lander were both 19:04 in arrears, while Aitor came in with the last group, 33 minutes back. With one stage to go, Markel is 7th, Jon 19th and Juanjo 31st, while there's no time differences among the 19 best teams on GC. Euskaltel are currently ranked 16th.

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