Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Iban's B-sample to be re-tested

In a strange turn of events, Iban's B-sample will be tested yet again in what is obviously the badest anti-doping laboratory in the world, the Chatenay-Malabry lab in Paris. UCI's president, Pat McQuaid, was quoted today as saying "The second sample is not negative. The analysis of it has not yet finished", before adding that when it was tested in Gent, the result was inconclusive. Come on McQuaid, give us a break! I'm so fed up with your shit. Not finished?! You must be joking. It's been three months! That is surely the most ridiculous statement I've heard from a UCI member, and that should say it all. It returned negative in Australia, in a UCI approved lab that the UCI sent the sample to. Negative equals innocent. I guess Iban-critics will say "What's the big deal? If you think he's innocent, then why are you so afraid of the sample being tested once again?". Well, I'll tell you all what the problem is. They totally screwed up his first sample, and the reason it returned "inconclusive", whatever that means, is probably because they fucked it up so bad down in Paris. And, as the UCI clearly hold an agenda towards Iban, I'm afraid of what they're going to do his test. Stop fooling around McQuaid! You caught the wrong guy, you embarassed yourself with your lazy comments and you should shut up now if you have any dignity. Leave him alone; he's not your guy. I don't know what the UCI hold against Iban, but this is just way to childish. Please Iban, take legal steps.


  1. Anonymous4:12 pm

    The good news lasted for one day only :-( Fucking hell! Now I'm mad! Will this saga never end?? I'm afraid this isn't only the UCIs fault. The Spanish Cycling Federation perhaps let this news out a little too early, giving us false hope... But what if the testing in France turns out positive? What about the test in Australia? Will they just ignore that one? Can anyone here say with 100% confident that the test in Australia was indeed negative? If so, I don't understand what UCI will do... I'm afraid the B-sample will come back positive in France... damn

  2. I read in many newspapers that the test in Australia returned negative, but I can't totally guarantee it...

  3. does anyone know if this is a legally justified practice? i am all for rooting out the drug cheats in our sport but this is really taking the piss and making a mockery of the whole situation.
    surely iban has a case for persecution against the u.c.i

  4. I'm not familiar with the testing procedures or the laws regarding it, but I've never seen anything like this before. And, as Iban's lawyer said, they would have been able to clear Iban even before the news of the negative came out, as legally it was all a mess. Follow your own rules UCI!

  5. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Good from Iban and his laywer btw to wait for this negative news. Otherwise his name would be doped for always.

    Well, he has the right to ask for a C - sample imo. It is not honest to test both the A and B in the same labarotory!

  6. Ok that's stupid ! Just let the man ride again, he suffered enough

  7. It's all screwed up. McQuaid has lost it totally. What good has that man done to cycling?

  8. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Hehe, Lizzard, I like your words.
