Monday, October 22, 2007

Iban's reaction

After the news of Iban's positive B-sample, and the subsequent shelving of the case by the National Spanish Cycling Federation, broke, a short interview with Iban can now be found in most Spanish newspapers. He's quoted as saying "Everything turned out the way I hoped it would. It was really difficult (the news of the positive and the delay of the B-sample result), and I've had a hard time, since I didn't understand it. I didn't stop to train though, even if I suffered mentally. Thankfully many people supported me." He further said that "I've got one year left on my contract, and I expect to be able to fulfill that." Certainly that must be the case, as he signed a two-year deal in January, and he can't be fired for no reason. More on Iban's job hunting later...


  1. Anonymous8:21 pm

    I'm so fucking happy right now!! All the pain I (and all you other Iban-fans out there) had to suffer trough in almost three months! But it paid out to be faithful to Iban! You always have to give people the benefit of the doubt. All those who have judged him earlier on must feel stupid now. And Pat McQuaid can burn in hell for all I care! He judged an innocent rider, without having the the proof to do it! He really has made a fool out of himself and UCI. Shame on him!

    But enough about that jerk, I'm so glad for Iban now! The question is what will happen now, it would be nice to see him in the Tour next year!

  2. Anonymous8:34 pm

    Yahoooooo! i'm so happy to hear that !

    I hope journals will talk about his negative b-sample and i hope that McQuaid and the UCI will be sorry about it.

    Aupa Iban !!

  3. Anonymous8:35 pm

    They won't, I am sure about that. The UCI is totally fucked up.

    Luckily the Tour, Vuelta and Giro don't belong to the UCI anymore.

  4. Anonymous8:37 pm

    yeah i think you are right...

  5. Anonymous9:04 pm

    I'm very happy to hear this news. Just hope Iban has a good lawyer and takes the UCI to the cleaners. They've obviously had a vendetta against him for some reason.

  6. Anonymous9:43 pm


    I have just heared talk Iban in ETB.
    He is happy, with rage for next season.
    He gave thans to all the people trust him these months.
    He said Matxin just called him to trust again.

    I AM VERY HAPPY FOR THE NEW, but why just now??, end of the season.

    Sabino Padilla, important sportive medician here in Spain, said to ETB the last analisys was the Australian one, a long time ago...

  7. Anonymous10:41 pm

    Please, Iban, Saunier Duval mistreated you, go back to the colors which suit you.

  8. The whole timing of this just seems weird. As you said, the testing in Australia was a long time ago, and why reveal it now, one day after the season has ended?! I don't get it, and rest assured I'll write an entry about the totally fucked up UCI, McQuaid and the French laboratories. In the mean time, go Iban!

  9. This is fantastic news and if Iban either continues with Saunier or moves elsewhere (back to orange hopefully)this gives me a reason to follow the major cycling events next season. I could not imagine watching a grand tour again without following Iban. They need to sort this EPO testing out so that mistakes can't happen and remember that you are innocent till proved guilty. Aupa Iban!!!

  10. I also wanted to say a big thank you to Magnus for keeping us all informed.

  11. Anonymous12:20 am

    Maybe all those that were so sure the B sample would come back positive will now post their apologies :-)

  12. Anonymous12:44 am


    go get 'em next year iban!

  13. Anonymous1:39 am

    Hi Magnus! :)

    Fucking great news, I'm very happy now. I was workink today, and at 6 o'clock my friend sent me an sms, that Iban has cleared!!! I was eating, when I read that, and than I've read the news, I threw away my sandwich and only shouted on Hungarian, that "Iban tiszta, bazmeg, tiszta, versenyezhet bazki!! :))" (Iban cleared, fucking, cleared, he can race, fuck you" in English :) ) And nobody knows, who Iban is, and everybody was laughing near me, and said "what are you doing, guy? Are you studid? Hey!" Not so happy that the nicest girl of the world done this, too :))). But I was not concerned that some people thought that I'm so crazy, I was really fucking happy!! :) After these months my reaction is understandable, I think...

    I have a very nice story.
    I would like to write that for you, when I came home. My first way on the internet was to your page, that I see. I wanted to divide my happiness of you. But I've read the sad news about Iban's positive doping test (these were news for me than, 2 weeks later, sadly...) and after that I couldn't say anything. I was frustrated and disenchanted and I couldn'r write anything ... But now I want to tell this story! :)

    This summer I went to France with my friends to watch the Tour, first time in my life. I wanted to go there for a long time, and it was one of my biggest dream, and it would a reality this year! I was so fucnking happy.. I would like to meet with Iban only... The beginning of the trip was a fucking nightmare. My friend's car has broke down, so we could start our way 1 week later, than we wanted to. So we couldn't see the Alps, and we couldn't see the first ITT and the Peyresourde. I was so depressed because of that and I hated all the world. After that our first day of the Tour was the rest day in Pau. In that morning I've said to the others that "OK, these days were fucking bad, but from this day our trip would be fantastic!". And it would be fantastic, than I've said...

    One day ago one of my fellow-passanger's bike has broke down, so we wanted to go to a mechanic that day. That was the rest day in Pau. If the accident of my friend's bike wasn't, we wouldn't go there and wouldn't find the hotel of Saunier Duval, bacause it was in the breeze of the town... But we had to go there, surprisingly. When we go there next to the hotel, my friend said that "this is Iban, this is Iban!!!" We go 80 km/h with the car in the town (there wasn't policemen, surprisingly :) ), and I've shouted, because we couldn't find a parking place. After we found, I standed out from the car and I was running and running to find Iban. I ran to the garden of the hotel, I've put off Cancellara, but I've not concerned, I've put off Cobo, but not concerned, I saw Rinero, Moncoutie, Schleck, De la Fuente, but not concerned! I was running and running, because I would like to meet with Iban :)). I go to a forbidden place, where the mechanicals cleaned the Saunier Duval's bikes, but I've not concerned. "It's a shit, fuck everybody, I would like to meet with Iban, I thought" :). After that I watched Iban, I was running to him. He was talking with one of the mechanical, but he wanted to go to the hotel next second. I've sprinted once again, I couldn't take oxigen, I was dying, but I had to do that! :) And I could do that! After that I came here, I said that "Hi Iban, I'm a big fan of you, and I love you! :)" I've said 'I love you", fuck :))). I was in a T-shirt which my best friend made for me for my birthday. On it there is Iban, when he celebrates the winning of the Alpe d'Huez in 2003. This is my favourite T-shirt :). Iban saw that and his reaction was only smiling :)). I would like to say him that he is my favourite rider and I would like to meet him for a long time, and this moment is a very nice dream of me, but I couldn't do that, and I wanted to say that he's the best rider, and anything else, etc.. but I couldn't say anything. I was as disconcerted as in front of my first kiss in my life. hey :)). It's the truth, man. :))
    Iban was so smilin', he was very dear and affable. I think, he understood my appetite and he tolerate that. I can say all the best about him, he was a very simphatic man . You understand, he rides 200 kms a day, he's fucking tired, I think in these days an avarage rider hates everything, he hates cycling, he hates the fans, he hates the mountains, he wants to go home, etc... And in this time I "attack" him :)). And he is not tired then, he is not cold. he doesn't want to be alone or with his family, and he doesn't want to sleep. Nothing! He's "only" very very friendly with his fan. And it's very nice, he's a great man, I can say that after the meeting. This is a very nice memory for me, one of the best memories of my life... :))

    And I have a queston: do you want to see the photo of this meeting? :))

    nice days Magnus, and all the happiness! Aupa Euskadi! Aupa Iban!!!


    (Tamás, a 22 years old man from Hungary)

  14. I havent posted anything for awile but I have checked this site everyday for the last three months waiting to here whats going on. Magnus I just wanted to say that you are amazing to keep everyone posted with every little bit of information that has been going on with Iban through the hard time. I work at a Bicycle parts distributor in the united states and all my coworkers k now that I am a huge fan and when he was found positive everyone gave me crap about it... well today Iban and everyone who has supported him will have their revenge. I usually commute to work on my bike 16 miles to and from work and for the rest of the week I will whre the saunier kit and euskaltel kit in honor of Iban and his fans. It is so good to know that we will be able to watch iban the next year and so on, no matter what team he is on. YEAH IBAN!!!!

  15. yes indeed, it's time to get back at all those people who made fun of us and Iban in July...

  16. Great story by the way Támas. I'm impressed!:D

  17. Anonymous8:30 am

    Yeah, Tamas, post the photo please, nice story!

  18. Anonymous11:18 am

    First, I want to add my voice to the people who have thanked Magnus for his great job with the blog!

    And after reading that Iban said he was thankful to the people who continued to support him, I hope he knows about this blog and about the people from all over the world who did indeed continue to support him and believe in him during these difficult months.

  19. Anonymous12:00 pm

    Here's the photo. Thank you, Iban! :)

  20. Anonymous12:02 pm

  21. Anonymous12:07 pm

  22. Anonymous12:14 pm

    magnus- thank you for the posts. i've been reading your site since about the middle of the season.

    it's shit that the result was announced the day after the season ends, but at least it was good news.
    the labs have a lot to lose in this and this french lab keeps doing shitty work.

  23. Anonymous12:28 pm

    "Me han hecho mucho daño", Unai Larrea, 23 Oktober 2007

    « Me quedé nulo; yo solo no habría salido de esto », J. Gómez Peña, 23 Oktober 2007

    Read the interviews:-

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. the UCI says he isn't cleared yet :(

  26. The sample is now sent to the French lab Chatenay-Malabry

  27. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Strange thing is, that the B - sample was send to Ghent because that Chatenay lab was closing. At least that's what I read.

    Oh, and the (or something) said that the Belgian test was inconclusive, but the Australian was negative. UCI didn't talk about that.

  28. Anonymous3:38 pm

    Mayo 'B' sample to be re-analysed
    Eurosport - Tue, 23 Oct 13:08:00 2007
