Monday, February 15, 2010

Are you the next Ibán? Nr. 1: Beñat Intxausti

Many riders the last few years have been touted as the next Ibán. Few of them will ever get close to him, either being too bad on the climbs or too good in the time trials. But the search goes on, and here's candidate number 1: Beñat Intxausti.
  • Basque? Yes
  • Awesome climber? Good climber, but has some work to do to earn the tag 'awesome'
  • Erratic? Not really, but a bit too early to say
  • Good in long time trials? Nope
  • Explosive? Nope
  • Classy? Yes
  • Rock star looks? Nope
  • Natural talent? Yes
  • GT material? Yes
  • Fragile personality? Don't think so
  • Cool sideburns and earrings? Nope
  • Verdict: Not really close. Eventhough Beñat is a big fan of him, he's not erratic enough and he doesn't possess the same cool looks and climbing ability. At least not yet. Has the potential though, as he's similarly not comfortable on the flats and has the class and natural ability. Time will tell but, at the time being, this is not the new Ibán.


  1. arnout4:41 pm

    I think Benat is erratic actually, didn't see anything from him all year and the day after I heard he was in talks with Euskaltel he was heading for a stage victory in the Vuelta, only getting a flat tire on the way. I think that's the right spirit!

    And at least he has the potential to get rock star looks. Sicard clearly hasn't :D

  2. You're on to something there arnout, maybe you're rigth about the erratic stuff. Time will tell...

    Yeah, the potential for rock star looks is there, but right now he looks more like a pop act or something...;)
