Sunday, March 28, 2010

Naturgas exhibition

The Naturgas Energía team put on a blistering show in the recent Laukizko Udala - BKK Saria. The sub-23 team put Cirilo Zunzarren de Estella winner Fernando Grijalba on the top spot of the podium once again, Carlos Barbero in third place, Mikel Bizakarra in the mountain's jersey, Rory Martínez in the Intermediate Sprints jersey and Alex Bilbao won the 'best local'-category. And they won the team classification of course. Not bad. All this leaves Grijalba as the leader of teh Torneo Sub-23. Awesome!

The Memorial Balenciaga, held today, didn't go to plan though with Igor Merino as the team's best man in 26th place. But, hey, shit happens sometimes.

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