Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wevelgem disaster

Euskaltel were neither lucky nor good in today's Gent-Wevelgem. After finishing a superb 6th last year, hoped were high that Koldo could again mix it with the best. It wasn't to be though. Koldo himself suffered a mechanical mishap exactly when he was supposed not to, while Iñaki and Romain both hit the deck. The former even crashed twice. After Koldo had experienced his customary bad luck, the guys did everything to get him back up to the front group. They didn't succeed though, but they were visibly tired afterwards, Pablo and Alán throwing in the towell at the first feed stop. Eventually Rubén ended the day as best placed Euskaltel rider, coming home in 49th place, 11:46 back. The other guys, that being Koldo, Javier, Iñaki and Romain, all came in a massive 22:14 down.

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