Sunday, July 18, 2010

Intxausti set to leave

Miguel Madariaga yesterday confirmed that Beñat Intxausti will indeed leave the team at the end of the year. Shocking news. Beñat has enjoyed a marvellous year in his first season with the team, but it now appears Euskaltel can't hold on to him. "We put our offer for another two or three years on the table in June", said the rider's representative Antonio Vaquerizas to DEIA. "That offer included an elevated salary due to his results this year. We're still waiting for reply". That reply isn't likely to come though as Madariaga expressed. Vaquerizaz also confirmed that they've listened to offers from other teams already. What a travesty...


  1. Bolsen31:24 pm

    That is very bad news, I see him as a future podium-candidate in the Tour. That's probably also why other teams have laid down more money on the table. Unfortunately, Benat doesn't seem like the most loyal guy, but who can blame him, I guess most people would do the same...

  2. arnout5:28 pm

    Man, that's really sad.

    I thought he was settled in the team, according to his twitter and stuff he really was enjoying his time in the team (and according to his results as well).


  3. arnout6:33 pm

    Reading the news on, this can be the end of the team as we know it. Samuel Sanchez will retire within a few years which means no big names are left to get wildcards in the big races. Euskaltel could turn into a team like Andalucia Cajasur, a nice regional team training riders for the bigger teams.

    Still, I have some hope they say this to wake up current and potential new spoilers.

    Can't blame Beñat for waiting to sign, otherwise he will be in the same situation he was in with Saunier Duval and Footon last year.
