Sunday, July 18, 2010

Madrid stage 1&2 round-up

The race kicked off with a short 8,1km ITT in and around the capital. The result was slightly disappointing for the team with Gorka being the best of the eight riders in 12th place, 20 seconds down on Larsson. That's a good ride by Gorka, but I had expected slightly more from some of the other guys. Aitor H was 30th at 32 seconds, Igor 35th at 35, Mikel 47th at 45, BeƱat 57th at 49, Koldo 62nd at 53, Miguel 88th at 1:05 and Aitor G 96th at 1:18. The afternoon stage saw Koldo go agonisingly close to a win by placing second to Fran Ventoso. Good ride obviously, but he'll be kicking himself tonight... Aitor H and Miguel ended up 21 seconds adrift, while Benat strangely ended up 1:33 down. Except for that trio, all the guys finished inside the main bunch.

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