Monday, July 12, 2010

Naturgas one-two in Murgia

Naturgas enjoyed a formidable week-end with taking both first and second place in Saturday's race in Murgia. Mikel Bizkarra and Pello Bilbao both made in into the decisive break and grabbed the top two places in that order. DS Arberas was naturally happy afterwards: "We did really well. Mikel and Pello were present in the break and the team helped them out by covering attacks in the bunch. This resulted in the win. Everything went according to plan".

The team failed to replicate the result in yesterday's race in Antzuola, but they didn't give up without a fight. The team took control of the pack early on and displayed some good team-work, but finally they had to settle for fourth through Pello. "We did well, but our work didn't really pay off", commented Arberas. "We were in the mix all day. In the end Pello got fourth and the team second in the team rankings."

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