Monday, July 12, 2010

Rival teams not happy with Euskaltel

Euskaltel have received their fare share of flack this Tour from rival riders saying they're the source of all the crashes at this year's event. Dan Lloyd of Cervélo has perhaps been the most vocal of all, and yesterday he was at it again. "Euskaltel really need to learn how to race bikes", he fumed at the finish after witnessing in person the most clumsy fall so far this year when Egoi's musette got tangled up in Iván's wheel and caused several riders, Armstrong included, to hit the deck. "It's just shocking. I don't know if that's controversial or not, but I don't care. They've probably caused every crash in this race..." Obviously that's an exaggeration, but he's definetely on to something. One could argue that Euskaltel have simply been unlucky this year. It's a possibility. But I doubt it to be honest. I don't think their bike handling skills are at fault, I think it's the stress and the nervousness among them. What do you guys think?


  1. arnout10:08 pm

    They should shut up. There's more crashing than ever in the Tour and I think this is the first time an Euskaltel rider caused a clumsy crash (but not a heavy one).

    That said, the people in the team should analyse the crashes and try to do something about it. Some of the riders are known bad bike handlers (but there are in every team), such as Txurruka and Anton, but overall Euskaltel is not that bad when it comes to crashing.

    Hey, they should try to follow Sammie Sanchez tomorrow downhill!

  2. I think Lloyd needs to shut his mouth. They have caused one for sure and maybe a second one in the 2nd stage. Yesterday the first one was caused by a footon guy and then the second one was Lances own fault when he hit his pedal on a curb. The third one was Egois fault.

    I am just disappointed that 1: we did not put anyone in the the MOUNTAINS!! and 2: Samu was totally isolated on the last two climbs. That is no bueno.

  3. Agree with both of you. Samu all alone for so long was not a pretty sight. And, yes, Lloyd should keep it down, but I think he's got a point as well...

  4. arnout10:46 pm

    I am afraid we miss Txurruka dearly during this stages, he's the perfect guy for joining a group in the mountains.

    And indeed, the lack of teammates can become a problem for Sanchez, although it was encouraging to see someone with bottles during the stage, good planning ahead there. Hoped they practiced catching bottles during the rest day though...

  5. It wasn't me complaining about Euskaltel, it was Matt Lloyd of Lotto!

    Dan Lloyd

  6. I'm so sorry, when I read the articles about the Euskaltel crashes over again I realise it's Matt Lloyd, not Dan. On Norwegian television they're mentioning DAN Lloyd, but they've probably messed it up as well. I apologize. Are you really THE Dan Lloyd?:)
