The silence
My guess: the B-sample is non-negative, and the UCI are now working their butts off to find out why the A-sample turned out positive. That's what I reckon is the most probable option at the moment. If it confirmed the finding of the first test, then why the delay? I can't see one reason why the UCI would want to do that if the B-test was also positive. But, hey, I don't know, I'm no doping expert. But this whole case just seems strange... If "Matxin", Iban's sports director at Saunier, is to be believed, something he most surely is, then the result should have been unveiled on Monday. That's almost four days ago. But why this silence from the UCI? Why don't they keep the fans up to date on the process? I'm struggling to come up with one single reason. Silence is never a good thing, but perhaps in this case it is. Let's hope so.